Places of Interest

Limassol Monasteries

Troditissa Monastery: Located on the southern slopes of the Troodos Mountains, the Trooditissa Monastery is one of the very few monasteries in Cyprus where the date of formation is unknown. It is believed though based on local tradition that it was founded just after the iconoclastic era (8th-9th century A.D.). The monasteries in general in Cyprus were built after a hermit or hermits had been there originally, often in caves, living a life of spiritual struggle. The monasteries were then subsequently built around these holy men. The same applies in the instance of Troditissa Monastery. The oldest reference we have of the monastery is of a 14th century deed. There are no remnants of the Middle Byzantine period or of the period of Frankish rule. 

Timios Prodromos: The Monastery of Timios Prodromos (St. John the Baptist) lies in the Troodos forest area of Mesa Potamos. The Monastery “is located among beautiful mountains covered in dense pine forests, has springs of sweet water near a small river or big deluge”. This was written during the 18th century by the Russian wanderer Barsky during his travels of the whole island, noting down and describing all the Churches and Monasteries he encountered. 

Agios Georgios (Saint George) Alamanou: Agios Georgios Alamanou monastery for nuns is found on the left hand side of the Nicosia - Limassol motorway, on the exit for Pentakomo. The history of this monastery is centuries old. Back in history, Agios Georgios became the refuge for one of the three hundred Alaman people that fled to our island, from persecution by the Arabs.