Eat & Drink

Eat & Drink


7 Skies is an elegant Roof Bar Restaurant serving cocktails from the most famous mixologists of the Island, food menu proved top quality ingredients.

Opening Hours: 18:00hrs01:30

Important note: 7 Skies Roof Bar Restaurant is not included in the package for Full Board or All-Inclusive guests.  Please note that all in house guests can visit the 7 Skies Roof Bar & Restaurant with extra charge.

Monday/Thusday closed

Dear guest,
Do you have a known allergy or intolerance to any food or drink?
A lot of people report that they have food or drink allergies and therefore need to exclude certain ingredients from their menu.
You are the expert at your allergy!
Guided by the allergenic ingredients labels you can make informed decisions about your food or drink consumption before ordering. Here are the symbols that will guide you through our list. Should you require further information our staff will be happy to provide it.


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